Tag Archives: ttts

Dear Future Me

What’s up, Internet? 

Lana here. This week’s prompt for the Teens Tell Their Story project is actually a competition. It’s to write a ‘dear future me’ or a ‘dear younger me’ post. So here I go 🙂



Dear Future Me,

Honestly I don’t really know where to start, because I’m not really sure what to say. Maybe what are you going to be like years from now? Are you going to be the same person? Are you going to have to same likes dislikes?

I have a million questions for you. What’s going to happen to all the things you take part in? What’s going to happen to all your high school friends. People say all the time that when you’re 23 or a grown adult your friends are not likely going to be the ones from your school. Maybe they’re right.

What’s going to happen to this blog? Will you still be writing? Will Lola and Lily still write with me or is it gong to always be like this? One question I am desperate to know is what’s going to happen to my Instagram fanpage when I’m 25? What’s going to happen to all my fan edits, of books and Teen Wolf? Will my editing abilities improve? Will I finally get Photoshop? Will I even still be posting fan edits, still be in fandoms when I’m in my 20’s? What’s going to happen to all your ships, your cannons…will they sink? Will I still be writing fanfiction or stories on Wattpad? Probably not.

Hopefully my guitar skills will improve. Maybe I’ll stop having cringe attacks when I try to play it because me playing is so painful. But will I even still be playing then?

I really hope what subject you choose in university is going to be something you enjoy, not just something you chose just because you’re good at it. That’s gotta be the worst feeling ever in those type of situations. To have to do something you  don’t enjoy for years. And after that, what will you be doing. Again, I’m really hoping you get to do SOMETHING. Travelling the world would be amazing. Meeting new people, learning new cultures. It’s probably every person’s dream job to do that but if it was actually mine that would be great.

What’s going to happen to my YouTube channel which I just started? Am I going to become popular or stay with not so many subscribers? Will I stay anonymous or reveal what I look like?

Finally a message I want to give to you is that please be better. Be a better person. Love yourself more and maybe be a tad bit happier with life.

– Lana


Okay. The teen bloggers I nominate for this challenge is my fellow bloggers Lola and Lily BECAUSE SERIOUSLY YOU NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING ON THIS FREAKIN BLOG OKAY YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE. SERIOUSLY. and you get prizes if you win 😀

What Inspires Me?

What’s up, Internet?

So week 4 of the Teens Tell Their Story Project is that we have to describe what inspires us. I’m actually really happy that I’m keeping up with this project while out and holiday and doing my little series 😀

A lot of things inspire me, depending on the way you look at it.

My idol Jennifer Lawrence inspires me. She is da pizza queen. I’m a lawsbian (which basically means I’m a really big fan of her). The reason I love her in the first place is that even though she is an A-list actor, really famous and have a lot of wealth, unlike most celebrities she didn’t change herself for fame. She isn’t a twerking, keeps-to-yourself, rumour-maker celebrity. Jen is just herself. And I know this because if you see her interviews, you kinda can see she acts like a normal person. She is funny amazing and a bit on the awkward side. Jen never changed for fame and that is why she is my inspiration.

Authors like John Green inspires me. His books are so beautiful. They teach you about love and loss. Books like John Green’s, the ones that make you laugh and cry inspire me the most. My mum’s friend also inspires me because she wrote a book. She’s is just a normal, average person who published a book, even though it was just a travel book of the UK for foreigners who speak the Indonesian language.

Youtubers inspire me because it shows us that anyone can do anything. Look at all those YouTubers who published books – Zoella, ThePointlessBlog…

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post 🙂

– Lana xx

PS. feels amazing taking part in a project somewhere that started in America/UK but continuing 7319 miles away xD


What’s up, Internet?

So for this week’s Teens Tell Their Story Challenge, we’re asked to write our opinion of YouTube.

If you roam the internet but somehow don’t know what YouTube is (where the heck have you’ve been?!) or for any other crazy reason you don’t know what the heading is supposed to mean, let me explain.

YouTube is a seriously popular website which lets us watch and upload videos. That’s literally it.

My opinion of YouTube is that I think it’s really important. Yeah, most people use it for entertainment – watching video gamers or just to have a laugh. But it’s for other things too, like tutorials for self-taught guitarists or how to fix “—“.

And YouTube is technically a lifesaver. Think of all those gamers and vloggers and youtubers who make a living out of just making videos in their homes – Danisnotonfire, Zoella, thepointlessblog.

The only negativity of YouTube is the haters. I cringe at the thought of them. They’r stupid and they’re pointless and they don’t do any good to anybody. On every popular channel you’re bound to find at least one…and I hate them. Why hate when you got love? Seriously?

My favorite channels are: Danisnotonfire, ThePointlessBlog, nigahiga and Emma Blackery.

Also, I have a YouTube channel called RandomLana. It would be awesome if you checked it out and maybe hit that subscribe button for me…? 😉 I haven’t posted any videos yet, but one will be coming out soon 🙂

– Lana xx

Benefits Of Being A Teen

What’s up, Internet?

So for this week’s Teens Tell Their Story Project we’re doing the opposite of last week’s – we’re explaining what we think are the benefits of being a teen.

Now for me, that’s quite a hard one and it’s probably the same thing with other teens. I guess we spend to much time complaining about what sucks that we kind of forget what’s awesome about being us, right? But I know one thing.

We have so many oppurtunities as teenagers.

Think about it. We’re having a pretty awesome oppurtunity rght now. The Teens Tell Their Story Project. Hosted by Sherina Speaks and Caitlin from The Little Daydreamer. *wink*. It gives us an oppurtunity to connect as teens and express our feelings.

Following on that, being a teen gives us an opportunity to be ourselves. We’re at that stage before adulthood but passed the kiddy-age. Like, we all worry so much about judgers, freinds, popularity, that sort of thing. But somewhere inside you, have you ever said to yourself:(excuse my language) Screw that!

I’m not saying you should skip school, skip exams or be some kind of rebel or change yourself as a person. I’m saying that it’s a few years until we enter adult-hood. The time where you have so many responibilities. I think being a teenager gives us a chance to have more fun, because you can do more things than you did when you were 10 years old. What I’m saying is be yourselves.

It wouldn’t matter if people don’t like the ‘inside’ you. There are people who like the ‘inside’ you, like freinds and family.

My last point connects to the opportunities thing. When we do something, whether it’s something small or big, you’re bound to get noticed. I know a lot of people who see’s us teens as the same. When someone steps out of the crowd as a teenager, people notice that because they’re doing something different. When you’re an adult and you do something different, you haven’t really stepped out from the crowd because as an adult, you’re expected to do something different to survive. (Excuse me if I am wrong)

So those are my opinions on the benefits of being a teenager. 🙂

– Lana xx